Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Microsoft AJAX Library Essentials Client-side ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 Explained

 Microsoft AJAX Library Essentials Client-side ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 Explained Info: 300 Pages | English | PDF | 12 MBDescription: A practical tutorial to enhancing the user experience of your ASP.NET web applications with the final release of the Microsoft AJAX Library A rapid and practical guide to including AJAX features in your .NET applications Learn practical development strategies and techniques Go through a case study that demonstrates the theory you learned throughout the book. In Detail Microsoft AJAX Library Essentials is a practical reference for the client-side library of the ASP.NET AJAX Framework 1.0, and a tutorial for the underlying technologies and techniques required to use the library at its full potential. The...

A Student's Grammar of the English Language

A Student's Grammar of the English Language Sidney Greenbaum, Randolph Quirk, "A Student's Grammar of the English Language" Longman | 1990 | ISBN: 0582059712 | 496 pages | PDF | 21,2 MB A Students Grammar of the English Language draws on the most recent research, including new findings not only in grammar but also in the neighbouring fields of semantics, pragmatics and text linguistics. Discourse features are dealt with throughout, as well as being the theme of a major chapter entitled form ‘sentence to text’ The authors are careful to point out those features of grammar which distinguish spoken from written, formal from informal, and British form American English. Download                                                                             ...

Food Science and Security

 Food Science and Security Louis Amsel, Lena Hirsch, "Food Science and Security" Sc.ence Publishers | 2009 | ISBN: 1606929771 | 330 pages | PDF | 5,2 MB Food security is taken for granted in the industrialised world, where stable political and social structures ensure that everyone has access to safe and nutritious food sufficient to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. The picture in the developing world is very different. This important topic is the focus of our book. One of the persistent myths concerning food insecurity is that it is caused by a shortfall in food production. Quite to the contrary, there is plenty of food to go around. The reasons for food insecurity are complex, but one of the main factors...

Speak German!: Warum Deutsch manchmal besser ist, 2 Auflage

Speak German!: Warum Deutsch manchmal besser ist, 2 Auflage Wolf Schneider, "Speak German!: Warum Deutsch manchmal besser ist, 2 Auflage" rororo | 2009 | ISBN: 3499622459 | 192 pages | PDF | 1,5 MB Haben wir das wirklich nötig: diese Flut von englischen Wörtern und Wendungen, mit denen uns Werber, Unternehmen und Medien nun seit Jahren überschwemmen? Wäre weniger nicht mehr? Und ob, sagt Wolf Schneider und fordert mit vielen guten Gründen zur Mäßigung auf. Dieses Buch ist eine entschiedene Liebeserklärung an unsere Muttersprache – gedacht für alle, denen sie nicht egal ist. «Ein starkes Buch gegen die Anglomanie.» Welt am Sonntag Download                                                                            ...


 Harry Potter ALL 7 books and EXTRA: ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SPELLS (Book I) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.pdf (Book II) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.pdf (Book III) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.pdf (Book IV) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.pdf (Book V) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.pdf (Book VI) Harry Potter and the half blood prince.pdf (Book VII) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.pdf EXTRA: ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SPELLS interchangeable links Code: http://uplo...

Hindi: A Complete Course for Beginners (Book & 6 Audio CDs)

Hindi: A Complete Course for Beginners (Book & 6 Audio CDs) Living Language, "Hindi: A Complete Course for Beginners (Book & 6 Audio CDs)" Living Language | 2007 | ISBN: 1400023459 | 368 pages | PDF | 307 MB This simple and effective introduction to Hindi will teach you everything you need to speak, understand, read, and write in Hindi. This program assumes no background in the language, and it explains each new concept clearly with plenty of examples, making it ideal for beginners or anyone who wants a thorough review. Living Language Hindi includes: ·A course book and six audio CDs ·Two unique sets of recordings, one for use with the book, and a second for use anywhere to review and reinforce ·Natural dialogues, clear...

ASP.NET bibal

Info: English | PDF | 6.93 Mb | 686 pagesDownload:

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