Sunday, 24 April 2011

Lynda com jQuery Projects Creating an Interactive Map

Lynda com jQuery Projects Creating an Interactive Map

Lynda com jQuery Projects Creating an Interactive Map-QUASAR

In jQuery Projects: Creating an Interactive Map, Chris Converse shows how to design and create a rich interactive map for a web site using the open-source scripting library jQuery. The course covers creating web-optimized images using the slicing tools in Photoshop, implementing the HTML and CSS to assemble an infographic page layout, and adding interactivity with JavaScript and jQuerys fast and concise code library. Exercise files are included with the course.

Topics include:

* Preparing web graphics
* Preparing the base container
* Manipulating links with CSS
* Adding a drop-down menu
* Downloading jQuery and adding interactivity to a project
* Creating city details
* Overriding click events of anchor tags with jQuery
* Enhancing the design with CSS3

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