Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Dan Sheridan - Google Double Calendar Webinar

Dan Sheridan - Google Double Calendar Webinar

Dan Sheridan - Google Double Calendar Webinar

Dan Sheridan - Google Double Calendar Webinar
English | VOB | 720x480 | MPEG 9800Kbps | AC-3 192Kbps | 637.15 MB
Genre: Training

Learn options trading from real master - Dan Sheridan a 22 years veteran option floor trader. This recorded Webinar contains mentoring sessions from Sheridan Options Mentoring that took place on 2007 July. Dan discuss the cons and pros of trading Google Double Diagonal in great details: ”Rather than beginning with a single campaign calendar spread, many traders like to start with a double calendar spread. This trade frequently allows more “wiggle room” for the stock to move without requiring an adjustment. The rationale of the trade is identical to that of a single campaign calendar spread.

Candidates: Stocks or ETFs with IV’s between 26 and 37. IVs must be in the lower half of their 2 year range. The price should be greater than $60.

Filter Candidates and place the trade
1) Examine the IV range from the volatility chart of the last 2 years.

2) Sell the OTM call 5 - 9 points above the ATM strike. You should get a minimum of $info$.60 for the short premium (see #4).

3) Sell the OTM put 5 – 9 points below the ATM strike. You should get a minimum of $info$.60 for the short premium (see #4).

4) If the short options have premiums less than $info$.60, then the long options must have premiums under $1.00

5) Buy a call option a minimum of 2 months out from the short call…same strike

6) Buy a put option a minimum of 2 months out from the short put…same strike

7) Both long options’ volatilities need to be in the lower percentile range of the last 2 years.

8) The IVs of the front and back month options must not have a negative horizontal skew of greater than -2 (that is, we will not accept a skew of -3) or a positive horizontal skew greater than +6.

More info:

Dan Sheridan - Google Double Calendar Webinar

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