Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Adobe Flash Professional CS5

Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 ESD - TEAM WZT (ENGLISH)

Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 ESD - TEAM WZT (ENGLISH)

Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 ESD - TEAM WZT (ENGLISH) | 933MB

Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 software is the industry-leading authoring environment for producing expressive interactive content. Create immersive experiences that present consistently to audiences across desktops, smartphones, tablets, and televisions.

What's new in Flash Professional
Efficient workflows for mobile development
Manage FLA project files that target multiple devices. Share code and assets across documents and device targets to efficiently create, test, package, and deploy content for a wide range of screens and devices.

Content scaling when resizing stage
Save time when sharing symbols and motion paths across documents that are optimized for different screen sizes.

Enhanced layer control
Preserve important document structure when copying layers across multiple files and projects.

Symbol rasterization and better performance
Use new tooling options, on-stage symbol rasterization, and the Property Inspector to improve CPU, battery, and rendering performance on mobile devices.




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