Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Hindi: A Complete Course for Beginners (Book & 6 Audio CDs)

Hindi: A Complete Course for Beginners (Book & 6 Audio CDs)
Living Language, "Hindi: A Complete Course for Beginners (Book & 6 Audio CDs)"
Living Language | 2007 | ISBN: 1400023459 | 368 pages | PDF | 307 MB

This simple and effective introduction to Hindi will teach you everything you need to speak, understand, read, and write in Hindi. This program assumes no background in the language, and it explains each new concept clearly with plenty of examples, making it ideal for beginners or anyone who wants a thorough review. Living Language Hindi includes:

·A course book and six audio CDs
·Two unique sets of recordings, one for use with the book, and a second for use anywhere to review and reinforce
·Natural dialogues, clear grammar notes, vocabulary building, and key expressions
·Plenty of practice, both written and recorded
·Notes on culture, cuisine, history, geography, and more
·Real life “discovery” activities and internet resources
·An extensive two-way glossary


part 1

part 2

part 3



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